Clear River
In November 2007, Steve Reed, founder of Daybreak International, invited me to the jungle to bless a new church start in the village of Ocolchoch in Guatemala. God showed us a need for reading glasses so we purchased a case for the village and took the glasses, along with some clothing for the needy people. At that time their water supply was running out and we prayed that God would help us get water back to their village. I’m thrilled to report that in the summer of 2018 that same water supply is running full force and we have installed a pump and generator to supply the village with running water. God is amazing. Some people are naturally attracted to the jungle adventures, while others shutter at the thought of jungle snakes or sleeping in thatched huts. Steve Reed and I’ve discovered that jungle people are hungry for Kingdom life, even though they are not aware of what it is. So we must fearlessly keep taking the gospel to the jungle!